Backup and Restore#

The Enterprise Solid Server (ESS) uses a PostgreSQL database to store Resource Description Framework (RDF) data and non-RDF data. By default, ESS stores data in a database named ess.


The following examples assumes the use of PostgreSQL environment variables for the various connection settings:


Alternatively, you can specify command-line connection parameters instead.

  1. Set the following PostgreSQL environment variables:

    • PGHOST for the database server hostname.

    • PGPORT for the database server port (default 5432).

    • PGDATABASE for the database name (default ess).

    • PGUSER for the username.

  2. Set the user password in a password file.

Refer to the your configuration settings to determine the values used for your deployment.

Backup and Restore the ESS Database (pg_dump/psql)#

Backup using pg_dump

For PostgreSQL database, you can use the pg_dump command-line tool to extract the content of the specified database.

For example, to dump the ESS database named ess, you can use pg_dump with a compression tool to create a compressed database dump file backup.2020-11-30.sql.gz:

pg_dump ess | gzip > backup.2020-11-30.sql.gz
Restore using psql

For PostgreSQL database, you can use the psql command-line tool to restore the ESS database from the dump files. You can use psql with an unzip tool to restore from a compressed dump file backup.2020-11-30.sql.gz:

gunzip -c backup.2020-11-30.sql.gz | psql ess

For information on PostgreSQL database backup/restore, refer to the PostgreSQL documentation.