
This page discusses horizontal scaling to meet increasing demands.

The page does not cover scaling services such as Kafka, Zookeeper, and PostgreSQL Metrics.

Horizontal Scaling of ESS#

Horizontal scaling of ESS involves adding more worker nodes (VMs) to run additional instances of ESS services; for instance, having 2 instances of LDP service, each running on a separate server, instead of a single LDP service running on one server.

Scale Services Independently#

With ESS, you can scale each service independently of each other. For example, you can have 3 instances of the LDP service and 1 instance of the Solid OpenID Connect service.

Stateless Services#

All user-facing ESS services (LDP, etc.) are stateless. Using stateless services strongly supports horizontal scaling as a user’s requests to a given service do not need to route to the same instance of that service.

Scale a Deployment#

You can use Kustomize Overlays to scale your deployment.

Example: Scale a Deployment Manually#

  1. Create an overlay structure as described in Customize ESS.

  2. Add the customization overlay:

      - target:
          kind: Deployment
          name: ess-signup-static
        patch: |-
          -  op: add
             path: /spec/replicas
             value: 3

    By adding more Signup page pods, the customization helps with resiliency.

Example: Scale Using a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler#

  1. Create an overlay structure as described in Customize ESS.

  2. Add the customization overlay:

      - ess-ldp-autoscaler.yaml
    # ESS Autoscaling
    # This needs a Metrics server to be installed. See:
    # The command to install a metrics server is:
    # `kubectl apply -f`
    # When the average CPU load is below 40 percent, the autoscaler tries to reduce the number of instances
    # in the deployment, to a minimum of nine which means it uses more than one machine.
    # When the load is greater than 40 percent, the autoscaler
    # tries to increase the number of instances in the deployment, up to a maximum of twenty.
    apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
    kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
      name: ess-ldp
      maxReplicas: 20
      minReplicas: 9
        apiVersion: apps/v1
        kind: Deployment
        name: ess-ldp
      # Average CPU usage across all LDP instances in the cluster.
      targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 40