New in version 1.1.3.
ESS provides a number of endpoints (such as the GraphQL endpoint, the WebSocket notification endpoint) to support various features. To help
the discovery of these endpoints, ESS provides the
<Pod Root URL>/.well-known/solid
The <Pod Root URL>/.well-known/solid
resource is a JSON-LD document that
specifies the location of various endpoints for the Pod, if configured. The
document has the form:
The /.well-known/solid
document excludes services that are not
"@context": "<Pod Host>/solid/v1",
"storage": "<URL>",
"login": "<URL>",
"logout": "<URL>",
"graphql": "<URL>",
"fragments": "<URL>",
"notificationGateway": "<URL>",
"powerSwitch": "<URL>"
Your ESS deployment may not have all the aforementioned services configured as many of the services are optional:
Contains the value |
Contains the Pod URL. |
Optional. Only appear if OIDC is configured for the ESS deployment. |
Optional. Only appears if GraphQL is configured for the ESS deployment. |
Optional. Only appears if QPF is configured for the ESS deployment. |
Optional. Only appears if Notification is configured for the ESS deployment. |
Optional. Only appears if the power switch feature is configured for the ESS deployment. |
Header Links#
New in version 1.1.3.
ESS sends the various header links in its response. Among the response header links are:
Pod Root Link#
Appears for all responses (both successful and unsuccessful responses).
link: </{Pod Root}>; rel=""
The header link returns the path to the user’s Pod root.
Power Switch Link#
Appears only if the power switch feature is configured.
link: </powerswitch/{Pod name}>; rel=""
The header link returns the path to the powerswitch endpoint for the specified Pod.