

New in version 1.1.3.

ESS provides a number of endpoints (such as the GraphQL endpoint, the WebSocket notification endpoint) to support various features. To help the discovery of these endpoints, ESS provides the .well-known/solid resource:

<Pod Root URL>/.well-known/solid

The <Pod Root URL>/.well-known/solid resource is a JSON-LD document that specifies the location of various endpoints for the Pod, if configured. The document has the form:


The /.well-known/solid document excludes services that are not configured.

  "@context": "<Pod Host>/solid/v1",
   "storage": "<URL>",
   "login": "<URL>",
   "logout": "<URL>",
   "graphql": "<URL>",
   "fragments": "<URL>",
   "notificationGateway": "<URL>",
   "powerSwitch": "<URL>"

Your ESS deployment may not have all the aforementioned services configured as many of the services are optional:


Contains the value "<Pod Host>/solid/v1".


Contains the Pod URL.

login and logout

Optional. Only appear if OIDC is configured for the ESS deployment.


Optional. Only appears if GraphQL is configured for the ESS deployment.


Optional. Only appears if QPF is configured for the ESS deployment.


Optional. Only appears if Notification is configured for the ESS deployment.


Optional. Only appears if the power switch feature is configured for the ESS deployment.