Security Checklist#
The following provides some general guidelines with respect to securing your ESS deployment. The checklist is not meant to be an exhaustive list.
Limit Network Exposure#
Limit external access to specific networks/ports. |
Separate internal and external traffic. For example, by running inside a VPC, you can ensure that all communication within the VPC is securely separated from external traffic. |
Use an Trusted Application Allow List to grant trust to specific applications only. |
Use an Identity Provider Allow List to specify trusted Identity Providers. |
If setting up a VPN endpoint, avoid manually adding public Internet routes/authorizations to the VPN endpoint . |
Use Encryption#
Use TLS for network encryption.
Encrypt data at rest, including audit logs. |
See Encryption.
Manage and Safeguard Sensitive Data/Credentials#
Use secrets manager. |
Secure highly-sensitive (i.e., passwords, tokens, etc.) environment variables:
If you are using AWS ECR for your repository images, leverage IAM roles for your worker node instances to grant access to the repositories without using separate Docker credentials/secret. |
Run ESS microservices in Kubernetes or in managed services, leveraging security features to grant access. |