
To set up a deployment, ESS provides various Kustomize overlays These overlays can act as the base for major/minor upgrades as well as for the initial installation.

See also Release Notes.


Inputs may change per versions. For example, a new input file may be added or new input may be required in an existing input file. Always review the contents of the inputs/ folder when performing the installation/upgrades.



Both the installation and the upgrade tutorials follow the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practice for managing the system and assumes the ESS installation directory is under source control.

The tutorial illustrates the steps assuming GitHub as the source control system.

Step 1: Prepare the Installation Directory#

  1. Go to your ESS installation directory.

    cd ${HOME}/ess
  2. Checkout a new branch.

  3. Remove all files in this branch to have an empty ${HOME}/ess directory.


    Ensure that the directory is empty.

  4. Login to Inrupt’s private Docker registry. When prompted for your password, enter your entitlement token:

    docker login  --username <userid> docker.software.inrupt.com
  5. Get the latest 2.3 version of the inrupt-kustomizer:


    Starting in ESS 2.2, ESS uses three-element version descriptors for its Kubernetes images, corresponding to the release versions (i.e., semantic versions of Major.Minor.Patch). As such, to get the latest version, you must use the specific patch version.

    docker pull docker.software.inrupt.com/inrupt-kustomizer:2.3.0
  6. Initialize an empty installation directory with a base overlay for your environment:


    If the directory is not empty, the inrupt-kustomizer does not attempt to initialize the directory with the base configuration files.

    docker run -it -v ${HOME}/ess:/kustomize docker.software.inrupt.com/inrupt-kustomizer:2.3.0

    Follow the prompts to install the base overlay for your upgrade version, same as the initial installation.

Step 2: Update Inputs and Build#


Inputs may change per versions. For example, a new input file may be added or new input may be required in an existing input file. Always review the contents of the inputs/ folder when performing the installation/upgrades.

During the initialization, Inrupt generates a readme.txt file in the installation directory. The file provides instructions on updating inputs for your deployment and building the deployment file.

  1. Go to the installation directory.

    cd ${HOME}/ess
  2. Using the instructions in the readme.txt file, update the inputs in the base overlay for your deployment.


    Inputs may change per versions. For example, a new input file may be added or new input may be required in an existing input file. Review the contents of your inputs/ folder for your installation/upgrades.

    Kafka Message Encryption

    ESS’ services communicate with each other by sending messages through Kafka.

    By default, Inrupt enables data encryption for all data that pass through the Kafka messaging system.

    As part of updating the inputs for your deployment, set the Kafka data encryption passwords in the kafka-credentials.env file (downloaded as part of the installation).


    You MUST set the data encryption key values to a strong password.

    Update any other input(s) as specified in the kafka-credentials.env file.

    For more information on the Kafka configurations in the kafka-credentials.env file, see ESS’ Kafka Configuration.

  3. After updating the inputs, build the deployment file per the instructions in the readme.txt file.

  4. Commit all changes in the directory to source control.


    Ensure that the repo is private.

Step 3: Optional. Customize Your Deployment Configuration#

Optionally, you can further customize your ESS deployment using Kustomize overlays, such as to use certificates from an official Certificate Authority (CA).


You can opt to customize after setting up a base deployment.

For examples on customizing your deployment with overlays, see Customize ESS.

Step 4: Deploy#

After you have built the deployment file, you can deploy.

  1. If not already, go to the installation directory:

    cd ${HOME}/ess
  2. Deploy to your Kubernetes environment:

    kubectl apply -f kustomized.yaml


    The deploy operation is idempotent. If the deploy operation does not complete successfully, you can safely retry the operation.

    Warning: Self-signed Certificates

    The provided base overlays create self-signed certificates. These self-signed certificates are for development purposes only. In production, ESS should be run with certificates from an official Certificate Authority (CA). For an example of how you can customize your deployment to use your production certificates, see Use Official Certificate Authority.

  3. You can view the ESS components and services that are running:

    kubectl -n ess get all
  4. For local standalone deployments, add the ESS service domains to the /etc/hosts file on your local machine.

    The following steps are specific to Linux operating system.

    1. Get your local Kubernetes cluster IP address:

      K8_IP=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath="{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=='InternalIP')].address}")
    2. Get a list of the ESS service domains:

      ESS_DOMAINS=$(grep "host: " kustomized.yaml | awk '{print $3}' | sort -u | tr -d '\r' | tr '\n' ' ')
    3. Backup your /etc/hosts file:

      sudo cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak
    4. Update the /etc/hosts:

      sudo sed -n -e '/# ESS-DOMAINS-BEGIN/,/# ESS-DOMAINS-END/!p' -e '$a# ESS-DOMAINS-BEGIN\n'"$K8_IP $ESS_DOMAINS"'\n# ESS-DOMAINS-END' -i /etc/hosts
  5. To verify, go to https://start.{ESS DOMAIN}/.