Release Notes#


Error Response Enhancements#

Starting in 2.3, ESS services can provide more information in their HTTP error responses. Specifically, the ESS services follow RFC 9457 (Problem Details for HTTP APIs) and may include the fields specified in the RFC:

  "status": <status code>,
  "title":  "<summary>",
  "detail": "<additional description/details of the error>",
  "instance": "<OpenTelemetry Span Id>"

For UMA and OIDC Broker services, they continue, as in earlier versions, to follow RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0), and the new RFC 9457 fields are added to their error response.

  "status": <status code>,
  "title":  "<summary>",
  "detail": "<additional description/details of the error>",
  "instance": "<OpenTelemetry Span Id>",
  "error": "<error code per RFC6749>",
  "error_description": "<optional error description per RFC6749>",
  // ...

For error responses to browser requests, the ESS error pages (text/html media type) display the new information.

For other error responses:

  • For services that only follow RFC 9457, the error responses return as application/problem+json media type.

  • For UMA and OIDC Broker services, RFC 6749 takes precedence over RFC 9457, and as such, the error responses return as application/json media type.

For more information, see Error Responses.


For changelogs, see 2.3 Changelogs.