Storage Metrics#

Starting in 2.1, ESS includes a Storage Metrics feature to gather the following metrics:

  • The total number of Pods.

  • The number of “created” Pods (i.e., Pods that have been created and confirmed).

  • The number of “deleted” Pods (i.e., Pods that have been soft-deleted, i.e., marked as deleted).

The Storage Metrics is run as a Kubernetes CronJobs . To modify its schedule, see Modify Storage Metrics Schedule.


Changed in version 2.2.0: Logging for Pruning jobs share a consistent pattern where the messageId has the prefix STORAGEMETRICS or STORAGE:

  "message": "<STORAGEMETRICS|STORAGE><number>: <description>",
  "messageId": "STORAGEMETRICS|STORAGE<number>"
  // additional relevant fields, if any

For the storage metrics features, the additional fields include:

  • an mdc (managed diagnostic context) field that can be used for correlation;

  • various storage metrics.

The following lists the various storage metrics that appear in the INFO level log messages (listed by the messageId):


The log messages that include the storage metrics detail use the STORAGE prefix in the messageIds.

  • STORAGE000128 (associated with the storage counts)


    Total number of Pods (both “created” and “deleted”).

  • STORAGE000130 (associated with the “created” storage counts)


    The number of Pods that have been created and confirmed.


    For the count of “deleted” Pods (i.e., soft-deleted or marked as deleted), you can subtract from the STORAGE000128 message resultCount the resultCount from the the STORAGE000130 message; alternatively, you can set the Log Level to DEBUG (and return the level to INFO afterwards).