Step 5: Add receipt.png#

You can use the Java Client Libraries to save non-RDF resources (e.g., .png, .pdf) to your Pod.

For this part of the tutorial, the getting started app uses Inrupt’s Java client library to:

  • Store a copy of the expense receipt(s) to your Pod.

  • Update the associated expense to link to the URL(s) of the receipt(s).


You can find the complete code at Complete Code.


Add the following properties to the src/main/resources/ file:


Modify Expense Class#

  1. Open Expense class file:

    Open src/main/java/com/example/gettingstarted/

  2. Add the java.util.* import statement:

    import java.util.*;
  3. Add the predicate definition for the receipts in the Expense class:

    static IRI SCHEMA_ORG_IMAGE = rdf.createIRI("");
  4. Update the Expense class constructor to include the receipts:

    public Expense(@JsonProperty("identifier") final URI identifier,
                   @JsonProperty("merchantProvider") String merchantProvider,
                   @JsonProperty("expenseDate") Date expenseDate,
                   @JsonProperty("description") String description,
                   @JsonProperty("amount") BigDecimal amount,
                   @JsonProperty("currency") String currency,
                   @JsonProperty("category") String category,
                   @JsonProperty("receipts") String[] receipts) {
  5. Add the getter and setters for the receipts in the Expense class:

    public Set<String> getReceipts() {
        return subject.getReceipts();
    // Note:: The setters first uses the getter, which returns a Set, and adds the receipt to the set.
    public void addReceipt(String receipt) {
    public void setReceipts(String[] receipts) {
  6. Add getter for the receipts in the inner Node class:

    public Set<String> getReceipts() {
        return objects(SCHEMA_ORG_IMAGE, TermMappings::asIri, ValueMappings::iriAsString);


For more detail with regards to handling lists, see Data Modeling (RDF).

Modify ExpenseController Class#

  1. Open ExpenseController class file.

    Open src/main/java/com/example/gettingstarted/

  2. Add the following import statements:

    import com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidNonRDFSource;
    import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
  3. Add the following method to handle the upload of non-RDF files:

     * Note 9: Stores a non-RDF resource to a Pod
     * Using SolidNonRDFSource and the SolidSyncClient .create() method,
     * - Saves a non-RDF resource at the destinationURL.
    public String addNonRDFFile(@RequestParam(value = "destinationURL") String destinationURL,
                                @RequestParam(value = "file") MultipartFile file) {
        printWriter.println("In addNonRDFFile:: Save Non-RDF File to Pod.");
        try (final var fileStream = file.getInputStream()) {
            SolidNonRDFSource myNonRDFFile = new SolidNonRDFSource(URI.create(destinationURL), file.getContentType(), fileStream);
            return client.create(myNonRDFFile).getIdentifier().toString();
        } catch(PreconditionFailedException e1) {
            // Errors if the resource already exists
            printWriter.println(String.format("[%s] com.inrupt.client.solid.PreconditionFailedException in addNonRDFFile:: %s", e1.getStatusCode(), e1.getMessage()));
        } catch(ForbiddenException e2) {
            // Errors if user does not have access to create
            printWriter.println(String.format("[%s] com.inrupt.client.solid.ForbiddenException in addNonRDFFile:: %s", e2.getStatusCode(), e2.getMessage()));
        } catch(Exception e) {
        return null;
  4. Add the following method that uploads a receipt file and links it to the associated Expense.

     * Note 10: Stores a non-RDF resource (image of the receipt) to a Pod and Attach to an Expense
     * Using methods defined as part of getting started, addReceiptToExpense:
     * - Calls addNonRDFFile() to store the receipt to a Pod
     * - Calls getExpense() to fetch the associated Expense RDF resource.
     * - Calls the Expense's setter `addReceipt` to add the link to the saved receipt.
     * - Calls updateExpense() to save the updated Expense.
    public Expense addReceiptToExpense(@RequestParam(value = "destinationURL") String destinationURL,
                                       @RequestParam(value = "file") MultipartFile file,
                                       @RequestParam(value = "expenseURL") String expenseURL) {
        printWriter.println("In addReceiptToExpense: Save Receipt File to Pod and Update Associated Expense.");
        try {
            String receiptLocation = addNonRDFFile(destinationURL, file);
            if (receiptLocation != null) {
                Expense expense = getExpense(expenseURL);
                return updateExpense(expense);
            } else {
                printWriter.println("Error adding receipt");
                return null;
        } catch(ForbiddenException e2) {
            // Errors if user does not have access to read or update the Expense resource
            printWriter.println(String.format("[%s] com.inrupt.client.solid.ForbiddenException in addReceiptToExpense:: %s", e2.getStatusCode(), e2.getMessage()));
        } catch(Exception e) {
        return null;