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Access - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACL
The acl:Access URI.
accessControl - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:accessControl URI.
AccessControl - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:AccessControl URI.
accessControlPolicyTriples(URI, URI...) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantUtils
accessControlResource - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:accessControlResource URI.
AccessControlResource - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:AccessControlResource URI.
AccessCredential - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
A base class for access credentials.
AccessCredential(URI, String, AccessCredential.CredentialData, AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Create a base class for credential types.
AccessCredential.CredentialData - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
User-managed credential data.
AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
Server-managed credential data.
AccessCredentialQuery<T extends AccessCredential> - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
An object to represent an access credential query.
AccessCredentialQuery.Builder - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
A builder class for access credential queries.
AccessCredentialVerification - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
The response from a verification operation.
AccessCredentialVerification() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialVerification
Create an empty verification response.
AccessCredentialVerification(List<String>, List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialVerification
Create a verification response.
AccessDenial - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
An Access Denial abstraction, for use when interacting with Solid resources.
AccessDenial(URI, String, AccessCredential.CredentialData, AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessDenial
Read a verifiable presentation as an AccessDenial.
AccessGrant - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
An Access Grant abstraction, for use when interacting with Solid resources.
AccessGrant(URI, String, AccessCredential.CredentialData, AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrant
Read a verifiable presentation as an AccessGrant.
AccessGrantClient - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
A client for interacting with and managing Access Grant Resources.
AccessGrantClient(Client, URI) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Create an access grant client.
AccessGrantClient(Client, URI, ClientCache<URI, Metadata>) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Create an access grant client.
AccessGrantClient(URI) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Create an access grant client.
AccessGrantException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
A runtime exception for use with Access Grants.
AccessGrantException(String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantException
Create an AccessGrant exception.
AccessGrantException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantException
Create an AccessGrant exception.
AccessGrantException(String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantException
Create an AccessGrant exception.
AccessGrantException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantException
Create an AccessGrant exception.
AccessGrantSession - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
A session implementation that makes use of Access Grants.
AccessGrantUtils - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
Utility methods for use with the Access Grant module.
AccessRequest - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
An Access Request abstraction, for use when interacting with Solid resources.
AccessRequest(URI, String, AccessCredential.CredentialData, AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest
Read a verifiable presentation as an AccessRequest.
AccessRequest.RequestParameters - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
A collection of parameters used for creating access requests.
AccessRequest.RequestParameters.Builder - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
A class for building access request parameters.
accessToken - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenResponse
acl(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata.Builder
Add an acl property.
ACL - Class in com.inrupt.client.vocabulary
URI constants from the ACL vocabulary.
ACP - Class in com.inrupt.client.vocabulary
URI constants from the ACP vocabulary.
add(BlankNodeOrIRI, BlankNodeOrIRI, IRI, RDFTerm) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
add(BlankNodeOrIRI, IRI, RDFTerm) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperGraph
add(IRI, Iterable<T>, TermMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
An additive converting singular setter helper for expected cardinality 0..*.
add(IRI, T, TermMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
An additive converting singular setter helper for expected cardinality 0..*.
add(Quad) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
add(Triple) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperGraph
add(T) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
addProofKeyPair(String, KeyPair) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
Add a Proofing (DPoP) keypair.
algorithms() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.DPoP
Return a collection of the supported algorithm names.
allOf - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:allOf URI.
allow - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:allow URI.
allowedMethod(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata.Builder
Add an allowedMethod property.
allowedPatchSyntax(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata.Builder
Add a allowedPatchSyntax property.
allowedPostSyntax(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata.Builder
Add a allowedPostSyntax property.
allowedPutSyntax(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata.Builder
Add a allowedPutSyntax property.
allValues(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers
Get all values for a header.
anonymous() - Static method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Session
Create a new anonymous session.
anyOf - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:anyOf URI.
anyOrNull(IRI, ValueMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A converting singular getter helper for expected cardinality 0..1 that ignores overflow.
anyOrThrow(IRI, ValueMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A converting singular getter helper for expected cardinality 1..1 that ignores overflow.
Append - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACL
The acl:Append URI.
apply - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:apply URI.
apply(Response.ResponseInfo) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Response.BodyHandler
Transform the response into the desired Java type.
apply(RDFTerm, Graph) - Method in interface com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ValueMapping
Converts a node to a value.
apply(T, Graph) - Method in interface com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.TermMapping
Converts a value to a term.
as(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ValueMappings
A factory for mappings from a term to a view.
asIri(String, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.TermMappings
Maps an IRI string to an IRI term.
asIri(URI, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.TermMappings
Maps a URI to an IRI term.
asMap() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers
Get the header values as a Java Map.
asSession(JsonWebToken) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.quarkus.SessionUtils
Convert a Quarkus (Microprofile) JsonWebToken to a Session object.
asSession(JsonWebToken, Function<String, Session>) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.quarkus.SessionUtils
Convert a Quarkus (Microprofile) JsonWebToken to a Session object.
asSession(OAuth2User) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.spring.SessionUtils
Convert a Spring OAuth2User to a Session object.
asSession(OAuth2User, Function<String, Session>) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.spring.SessionUtils
Convert a Spring OAuth2User to a Session object.
asStringLiteral(String, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.TermMappings
Maps a string to a literal term.
asTypedLiteral(Boolean, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.TermMappings
Maps a boolean value to a literal term.
asTypedLiteral(Integer, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.TermMappings
Maps a integer value to a literal term.
asTypedLiteral(Instant, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.TermMappings
Maps a point in time to a literal term.
authenticate(Authenticator, Request, Set<String>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
authenticate(Authenticator, Request, Set<String>) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Session
Fetch an authentication token from session values.
authenticate(Authenticator, Request, Set<String>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
authenticate(Session, Request, Set<String>) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Authenticator
Perform an ansynchronous authentication process, resulting in an access token.
authenticate(Session, Request, Set<String>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdAuthenticationProvider.OpenIdAuthenticator
AuthenticatedAgent - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACL
The acl:AuthenticatedAgent URI.
AuthenticationProvider - Interface in com.inrupt.client.spi
An authentication mechanism that knows how to authenticate over network connections.
Authenticator - Interface in com.inrupt.client.auth
An interface for handling authentication challenges.
authMethod(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest.Builder
Set the authentication method for the token endpoint.
Authorization - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACL
The acl:Authorization URI.
authorizationEndpoint - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
The location of the authorization endpoint for the given OpenID Connect provider.
AuthorizationRequest - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A class representing an authorization request at an OpenID provider.
AuthorizationRequest.Builder - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A class for building AuthorizationRequest objects.
authorizationResponseIssParameterSupported - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
Indication of whether the OpenID Connect provider supports RFC-9207.
authorize(AuthorizationRequest) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdProvider
Construct the OpenID authorization URI asynchronously.


BadRequestException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP bad request (400) response.
BadRequestException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.BadRequestException
Create a BadRequestException exception.
BasicContainer - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.LDP
The ldp:BasicContainer URI.
body() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Response
The body of the HTTP response.
body() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Response.ResponseInfo
Retrieve the response body as a byte buffer.
bodyPublisher() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request
The Request.BodyPublisher set on this request.
buffer(Consumer<OutputStream>) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.util.IOUtils
Buffer a request body from a consuming function.
build() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters.Builder
build() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Client.Builder
Build the client.
build() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.EndSessionRequest.Builder
Build the end session request.
build() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
Build the Request.
build() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata.Builder
Build the Metadata object.
build() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient.Builder
Build the SolidClient.
build() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient.Builder
Build the SolidSyncClient.
build() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.util.URIBuilder
Build a URI.
build(int, Duration) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.CacheBuilderService
Build a cache.
build(Class<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery.Builder
Build the access credential query.
build(String, String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest.Builder
Build a token request.
build(String, URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest.Builder
Build the authorization request.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest.Builder


CacheBuilderService - Interface in com.inrupt.client.spi
A cache builder abstraction for use with different cache implementations.
Challenge - Class in com.inrupt.client.auth
Part of the HTTP Challenge and Response authentication framework, this class represents a challenge object as represented in a WWW-Authenticate Response Header.
claimsSupported - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
A list of claims supported by the given OpenID Connect provider.
clear() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
clear() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
clear() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperGraph
client(Client) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient.Builder
Set a pre-configured Client.
client(Client) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient.Builder
Set a pre-configured Client.
Client - Interface in com.inrupt.client
An API for an HTTP client.
Client.Builder - Interface in com.inrupt.client
An API for an HTTP client builder.
ClientCache<T,U> - Interface in com.inrupt.client
A generic caching abstraction for use in the Inrupt Client Libraries.
clientId(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.EndSessionRequest.Builder
Set a client id for the builder.
ClientProvider - Class in com.inrupt.client
An API for loading the HTTP client.
ClientProviderResolver - Class in com.inrupt.client.spi
An abstraction that loads the available Client from, the classpath.
ClientProviderResolver() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.spi.ClientProviderResolver
clientSecret(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest.Builder
Set the client secret value.
close() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.NonRDFSource
close() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
close() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResourceReference
code(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest.Builder
Set the authorization code value.
codeChallenge(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest.Builder
Add a code challenge to the builder.
codeChallengeMethod(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest.Builder
Add a code challenge method to the builder.
codeChallengeMethodsSupported - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
A list of code challenge methods supported by the given OpentID Connect provider.
codeVerifier(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest.Builder
Set the PKCE code verifier for the token endpoint.
com.inrupt.client - package com.inrupt.client
Application interfaces for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.client.accessgrant - package com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
Classes for working with Access Grants.
com.inrupt.client.auth - package com.inrupt.client.auth
Authentication and Authorization classes for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.client.httpclient - package com.inrupt.client.httpclient
HttpClient bindings for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.client.jena - package com.inrupt.client.jena
Jena RDF support for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.client.okhttp - package com.inrupt.client.okhttp
OkHttp bindings for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.client.openid - package com.inrupt.client.openid
OpenID support for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.client.quarkus - package com.inrupt.client.quarkus
Integration tooling for Quarkus applications.
com.inrupt.client.rdf4j - package com.inrupt.client.rdf4j
RDF4J RDF support for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.client.solid - package com.inrupt.client.solid
Support for Solid specific concepts for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.client.spi - package com.inrupt.client.spi
Service interfaces for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.client.spring - package com.inrupt.client.spring
Integration tooling for Spring applications.
com.inrupt.client.util - package com.inrupt.client.util
Utility classes for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.client.vocabulary - package com.inrupt.client.vocabulary
RDF Vocabulary definitions for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.client.webid - package com.inrupt.client.webid
WebID Profile support for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons - package com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
RDF Wrapping utilities for the Apache Commons RDF API.
ConflictException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP conflict (409) response..
ConflictException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.ConflictException
Create a ConflictException exception.
contains - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.LDP
The ldp:contains URI.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
contains(Optional<BlankNodeOrIRI>, BlankNodeOrIRI, IRI, RDFTerm) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
contains(BlankNodeOrIRI, IRI, RDFTerm) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperGraph
contains(Quad) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
contains(Triple) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperGraph
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
contentLength() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Request.BodyPublisher
Get the length of the HTTP Request.
contentType(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata.Builder
Add a content type property.
Control - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACL
The acl:Control URI.
create(T) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Create a new Solid Resource.
create(T) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient
Create a new Solid Resource.
create(T, Headers) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Create a new Solid Resource.
creator(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery.Builder
Set the creator identifier.
Credential - Class in com.inrupt.client.auth
A credential that can be used with Solid resource servers.
Credential(String, URI, String, Instant, URI, String) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.auth.Credential
Create a credential.
CredentialData(Set<URI>, Set<String>, Set<URI>, URI) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialData
Create a collection of user-managed credential data.
CredentialMetadata(URI, URI, Set<String>, Instant, Instant, Status) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata
A collection of server-managed credential metadata.


DataMappingException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
DataMappingException(String, Collection<String>) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.DataMappingException
Create a Data Mapping exception.
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.inrupt.client.ProblemDetails
The RFC9457 default problem type.
delete(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Delete an existing Solid Resource.
delete(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient
Delete an existing Solid Resource.
delete(URI, Headers) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Delete an existing Solid Resource.
delete(T) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Delete an existing Solid Resource.
delete(T) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient
Delete an existing Solid Resource.
delete(T, Headers) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Delete an existing Solid Resource.
DELETE() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
A convenience method for building an HTTP DELETE request.
deny - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:deny URI.
denyAccess(AccessRequest) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Issue an access denial receipt based on an access request.
discarding() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Response.BodyHandlers
Creates a response handler that discards the body.
DPoP - Interface in com.inrupt.client.auth
An abstraction for working with OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer (DPoP).
DpopService - Interface in com.inrupt.client.spi
A DPoP management abstraction.
dpopSigningAlgValuesSupported - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
A list of DPoP signing algorithm values supported by the given OpenID Connect provider.


empty() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers
Create an empty headers object.
endSession(EndSessionRequest) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdProvider
End the session asynchronously with the OpenID Provider.
endSessionEndpoint - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
The location of the end session endpoint for the given OpenID Connect provider, if supported.
EndSessionRequest - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A class for initiating a session termination flow with an OpenID Provider.
EndSessionRequest.Builder - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A builder class for EndSessionRequest objects.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Challenge
equals(Object) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.Link
equals(Object) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.WacAllow
equals(Object) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNode
equals(Object) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperIRI
error - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.ErrorResponse
errorDescription - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.ErrorResponse
ErrorResponse - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
ErrorResponse() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.ErrorResponse
expiration(Instant) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters.Builder
Set a preferred expiration time for the access request operation.
expiresIn - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenResponse


fetch(URI, Class<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Fetch an access credential by identifier.
fetchAfterWrite(boolean) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient.Builder
Set whether to fetch a resource after a write operation.
fetchAfterWrite(boolean) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient.Builder
Set whether to fetch a resource after a write operation.
firstValue(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers
Get the first value of a header, if it exists.
ForbiddenException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP forbidden (403) response.
ForbiddenException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.ForbiddenException
Create a ForbiddenException exception.
fragment(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.util.URIBuilder
Set a fragment value for a URI.
fromCache(Request) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
fromCache(Request) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Session
Retrieve an access token for a request from a cache.
fromCache(Request) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
fromDataset(Dataset, RDFSyntax, OutputStream) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaService
fromDataset(Dataset, RDFSyntax, OutputStream) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JService
fromDataset(Dataset, RDFSyntax, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.RdfService
Serialize a dataset to an output stream.
fromGraph(Graph, RDFSyntax, OutputStream) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaService
fromGraph(Graph, RDFSyntax, OutputStream) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JService
fromGraph(Graph, RDFSyntax, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.RdfService
Serialize a graph to an output stream.
fromJson(InputStream, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.JsonService
Read JSON into a java object.
fromJson(InputStream, Type) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.JsonService
Read JSON into a java object.


generateProof(String, Request) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
generateProof(String, Request) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Session
Generate a proof for a request.
generateProof(String, Request) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
generateProof(String, URI, String) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.DPoP
Generate a DPoP proof for a given URI and method pair.
get(T) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.ClientCache
Retrieve a cached value.
GET() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
A convenience method for building an HTTP GET request.
getAccessParams() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.WacAllow
Get the Access Parameters associated with this HTTP WAC-Allow interaction.
getAcl() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
The access control resource location.
getAllowedMethods() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
The supported HTTP methods for the associated resource.
getAllowedPatchSyntaxes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
The supported HTTP PATCH MIME types for the associated resource.
getAllowedPostSyntaxes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
The supported HTTP POST MIME types for the associated resource.
getAllowedPutSyntaxes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
The supported HTTP PUT MIME types for the associated resource.
getAuthenticator(Challenge) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdAuthenticationProvider
getAuthenticator(Challenge) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.AuthenticationProvider
Return an authenticator for the supplied challenge.
getAuthMethod() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest
Get the authentication method.
getBody() - Method in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClientException
Retrieve the body associated with this exception.
getBytes() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Request.BodyPublisher
Get the serialized bytes for an HTTP Request.
getCacheBuilder() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.spi.ServiceProvider
Get the CacheBuilderService for this application.
getChallenges() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.WwwAuthenticate
Get the challenges associated with this HTTP authentication interaction.
getChecks() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialVerification
The verification checks that were performed.
getClient() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.ClientProvider
Get the Client for the current application.
getClient() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Get the SolidClient for the current application.
getClient() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient
Get the SolidSyncClient for the current application.
getClient() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.spi.ClientProviderResolver
Get the Client for this application.
getClientBuilder() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.ClientProvider
Get a Client.Builder for the current application.
getClientBuilder() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Get a SolidClient.Builder for the current application.
getClientBuilder() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient
getClientBuilder() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.spi.ClientProviderResolver
Get a Client.Builder for this application.
getClientId() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest
Get the OAuth 2.0 client id.
getClientId() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.EndSessionRequest
Return the client_id value.
getClientId() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest
Get the client_id value.
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest
Get the client_secret value.
getCode() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest
Get the authorization code value.
getCodeChallenge() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest
Get the PKCE code challenge.
getCodeChallengeMethod() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest
Get the PKCE code challenge method.
getCodeVerifier() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest
Get the code_verifier value.
getContentType() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.NonRDFSource
getContentType() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
getContentType() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Resource
The content type of the resource.
getContentType() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
The content types associated with the Solid Resource.
getContentType() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResourceReference
getCreator() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata
Get the creator of the credential.
getCreator() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Get the creator of this access credential.
getCreator() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery
Get the requested creator.
getCredential() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.Status
Get the identifier for the status list credential.
getCredential(URI, URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
getCredential(URI, URI) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Session
Retrieve a credential from this session.
getCredential(URI, URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
getDetail() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.ProblemDetails
The problem detail.
getDetail() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidProblemDetails
getDpopService() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.spi.ServiceProvider
Get the DpopService for this application.
getEntity() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.NonRDFSource
getEntity() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
getEntity() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Resource
The resource entity.
getEntity() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResourceReference
getErrors() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialVerification
The verification errors that were discovered.
getExpectedAudience() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
Get the expected audience of an ID token.
getExpGracePeriodSecs() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
Get the expiration grace period for an ID token in seconds.
getExpiration() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata
Get the expiration time of the credential.
getExpiration() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Get the expiration time of the access credential.
getExpiration() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters
Get the requested expiration date used with an access request operation.
getExpiration() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Credential
Get the expiration time for this credential.
getGrantType() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest
Get the grant type value.
getGraph() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
getGraph(BlankNodeOrIRI) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
getGraphNames() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
getHeaderParser() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.spi.ServiceProvider
Get the HeaderParser for this application.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.NonRDFSource
getHeaders() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
getHeaders() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Resource
The resource headers.
getHeaders() - Method in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClientException
Retrieve the headers associated with this exception.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResourceReference
getHttpService() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.spi.ServiceProvider
Get the HttpService for this application.
getId() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
getId() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Session
Retrieve the identifier associated with this session.
getId() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Get the identifier of the access credential.
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.Status
Get the identifier for this credential status.
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.NonRDFSource
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
getIdentifier() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Resource
The resource identifier.
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResourceReference
getIdTokenHint() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.EndSessionRequest
Return the id_token_hint value.
getIndex() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.Status
Get the index value for this credential status.
getInstance() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.ProblemDetails
The problem instance.
getInstance() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidProblemDetails
getInstance() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.spi.ClientProviderResolver
Find and return the provider resolver instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.spi.RDFFactory
Find and return the RDF instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.RDFFactory
Creates an RDF implementation by using the ServiceLoader.load(Class) method.
getIRIString() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperIRI
getIssuedAt() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata
Get the instant when the credential was issued.
getIssuedAt() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Get the issuance date for the credential.
getIssuedAt() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters
Get the requested issuance date used with an access request operation.
getIssuer() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata
Get the issuer of the credential.
getIssuer() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Get the issuer of the access credential.
getIssuer() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Credential
Get the issuer for this credential.
getIssuer() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest
Get the issuer.
getJsonService() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.spi.ServiceProvider
Get the JsonService for this application.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidNonRDFSource
Get the metadata for this resource.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidRDFSource
getMetadata() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResource
Get the associated metadata about this resource.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResourceReference
getModes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialData
Get the access modes associated with the credential.
getModes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Get the access modes of the access credential.
getModes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery
Get the requested access modes.
getModes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters
Get the access modes used with an access request operation.
getName() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Authenticator
Gets the authenticator name (e.g.
getName() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdAuthenticationProvider.OpenIdAuthenticator
getNamespace() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACL
Get the ACL namespace URI.
getNamespace() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
Get the ACP namespace URI.
getNamespace() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.LDP
Get the LDP namespace URI.
getNamespace() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.PIM
Get the PIM namespace URI.
getNamespace() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.RDF
Get the RDF namespace URI.
getNamespace() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.RDFS
Get the RDFS namespace URI.
getNamespace() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.Solid
Get the Solid namespace URI.
getNonce() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest
Get the OpenID Connect nonce value.
getOidcIssuers() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.webid.WebIdProfile
Retrieve the list of OIDC issuers.
getParameter(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Challenge
Get the value of the given parameter.
getParameter(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.Link
Get the value of the given parameter.
getParameters() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Challenge
Get all the parameters for this challenge.
getParameters() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.Link
Get all the parameters for this Link.
getPostLogoutRedirectUri() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.EndSessionRequest
Return the post_logout_redirect_uri value.
getPrincipal() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
getPrincipal() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Credential
Get the principal, if available.
getPrincipal() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Session
Retrieve the principal associated with this session.
getPrincipal() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
getPriority() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Authenticator
Gets the priority of the authenticator.
getPriority() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdAuthenticationProvider.OpenIdAuthenticator
getProblemDetails() - Method in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClientException
Retrieve the ProblemDetails instance describing the HTTP error response.
getProofKeyPairs() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
Get any externally-defined Proofing (DPoP) keypairs.
getProofThumbprint() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Credential
Get the thumbprint for an associated proof, if present.
getPublicKeyLocation() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
Get the public signing key location of an ID token.
getPurposes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialData
Get the purposes associated with the credential.
getPurposes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Get the collection of purposes associated with the access credential.
getPurposes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery
Get the requested purposes.
getPurposes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters
Get the purpose identifiers used with an access request operation.
getRdfService() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.spi.ServiceProvider
Get the RdfService for this application.
getRecipient() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialData
Get the recipient associated with this credential.
getRecipient() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Get the recipient of this access credential.
getRecipient() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery
Get the requested recipient.
getRecipient() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters
Get the recipient used with an access request operation.
getRedirectUri() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest
Get the OAuth 2.0 redirect URI.
getRedirectUri() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest
Get the redirect_uri value.
getRelatedResources() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.webid.WebIdProfile
Retrieve the list of related profile resources.
getResource() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery
Get the requested resource.
getResources() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialData
Get the resource URIs associated with this credential.
getResources() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Get the resources associated with the access credential.
getResources() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters
Get the resources used with an access request operation.
getResources() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidContainer
Get an immutable collection of resources contained in this SolidContainer.
getResponseType() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest
Get the OAuth 2.0 response type.
getResults() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.ValidationResult
The messages from validation.
getScheme() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Challenge
Get the authentication scheme for this challenge.
getScheme() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Credential
Get the scheme for this credential.
getSchemes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdAuthenticationProvider
getSchemes() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.AuthenticationProvider
Return the set of supported authorization schemes, such as Bearer or DPoP.
getScope() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest
Get the OAuth 2.0 scope value.
getScopes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
Get any OAuth 2.0 scope values.
getScopes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest
Get the scope values.
getState() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest
Get the OAuth 2.0 state value.
getState() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.EndSessionRequest
Return the state value.
getStatus() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata
Get the status of the credential.
getStatus() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Get the revocation status of the access credential.
getStatus() - Method in exception com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdException
Get the HTTP status code of the response if there is one.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.ProblemDetails
The problem status code.
getStatus() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidProblemDetails
getStatusCode() - Method in exception com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantException
Get the status code.
getStatusCode() - Method in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClientException
Retrieve the status code associated with this exception.
getStorage() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
The Solid Storage location.
getStorages() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.webid.WebIdProfile
Retrieve the list of storage locations.
getTitle() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.ProblemDetails
The problem title.
getTitle() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidProblemDetails
getToken() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Credential
Get the token for this credential.
getType() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.Status
Get the type of this credential status.
getType() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.ProblemDetails
The problem type.
getType() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidProblemDetails
getTypes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential.CredentialMetadata
Get the types of the credential.
getTypes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Get the types of the access credential.
getTypes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
The Solid Resource types.
getTypes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.webid.WebIdProfile
Retrieve the RDF type values.
getUri() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.Link
Get the URI of the link header.
getUri() - Method in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClientException
Retrieve the URI associated with this exception.
getValidationResults() - Method in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.DataMappingException
The validation results.
getWacAllow() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
The WAC-Allow permission information.
getWarnings() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialVerification
The verification warnings that were discovered.
GoneException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP gone (410) response.
GoneException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.GoneException
Create a GoneException exception.
grantAccess(AccessRequest) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Issue an access grant based on an access request.
grantTypesSupported - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
A list of grant types supported by the given OpenID Connect provider.
graph - Variable in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
graph - Variable in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
The internal wrapped graph object.


handle(String, URI, int, Headers, String) - Static method in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClientException
hashCode() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Challenge
hashCode() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.Link
hashCode() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.WacAllow
hashCode() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
hashCode() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNode
hashCode() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperIRI
HEAD() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
A convenience method for building an HTTP HEAD request.
header(String, String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
Set an individual header for this request.
HeaderParser - Interface in com.inrupt.client.spi
A parser interface for handling HTTP header parsers.
headers() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request
The HTTP headers for this request.
headers() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Response
The headers from this HTTP response.
headers() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Response.ResponseInfo
Retrieve the response headers.
headers(Headers) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient.Builder
Set a collection of headers to be used with each high-level client request.
headers(Headers) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient.Builder
Set a collection of headers to be used with each high-level client request.
Headers - Class in com.inrupt.client
A read-only view of a collection of HTTP headers.
Headers.Link - Class in com.inrupt.client
A class for representing an HTTP Link header.
Headers.WacAllow - Class in com.inrupt.client
a class for parsing WAC-allow headers.
Headers.WwwAuthenticate - Class in com.inrupt.client
Part of the HTTP Challenge and Response authentication framework, this class represents a challenge object as represented in a WWW-Authenticate Response Header.
HttpClientService - Class in com.inrupt.client.httpclient
A HttpService using the
HttpClientService() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.httpclient.HttpClientService
Create an HTTP client service with a default HttpClient.
HttpService - Interface in com.inrupt.client.spi
An HTTP handling abstraction.


ID_TOKEN - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
identity(RDFTerm, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.TermMappings
Maps a term to itself.
idToken - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenResponse
idTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
A list of ID Token signing algorithm values supported by the given OpenID Connect provider.
inbox - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.LDP
The ldp:inbox URI.
InruptClientException - Exception in com.inrupt.client
A generic Inrupt runtime exception for use as a superclass.
InruptClientException(String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.InruptClientException
Create an InruptClientException exception.
InruptClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.InruptClientException
Create an InruptClientException exception.
InternalServerErrorException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP internal server error (500) response.
InternalServerErrorException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.InternalServerErrorException
Create an InternalServerErrorException exception.
invalidate(T) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.ClientCache
Invalidate a single cached value.
invalidateAll() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.ClientCache
Invalidate all values in the cache.
IOUtils - Class in com.inrupt.client.util
IOUtility methods for use with the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
iriAsString(RDFTerm, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ValueMappings
Maps an IRI term to its IRI string.
iriAsUri(RDFTerm, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ValueMappings
Maps an IRI term to a URI created from its IRI string.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
issuedAt(Instant) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters.Builder
Set a preferred issuance time for the access request operation, likely at a time in the future.
issuer - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
The issuer URI for the given OpenID Connect provider.
issuer(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest.Builder
Set the issuer URI.
isValid() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.ValidationResult
The result of the validation.
iterator() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet


JenaBodyHandlers - Class in com.inrupt.client.jena
Response.BodyHandler implementations for use with Jena types.
JenaBodyPublishers - Class in com.inrupt.client.jena
Request.BodyPublisher implementations for use with Jena types.
JenaService - Class in com.inrupt.client.jena
An RdfService that uses the Jena library.
JenaService() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaService
JsonService - Interface in com.inrupt.client.spi
A JSON handling abstraction.
jwksUri - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
The location of the JSON Web Key Set endpoint for the given OpenID Connect provider.


LDP - Class in com.inrupt.client.vocabulary
URI constants from the LDP vocabulary.
literalAsBoolean(RDFTerm, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ValueMappings
Maps a literal term to a boolean.
literalAsInstant(RDFTerm, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ValueMappings
Maps a literal term to a point in time.
literalAsIntegerOrNull(RDFTerm, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ValueMappings
Maps a literal term to an integer or null.
literalAsString(RDFTerm, Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ValueMappings
Maps a literal term to its lexical form.
lookupAlgorithm(String) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.DPoP
Retrieve the algorithm for the given thumbprint, if available.
lookupThumbprint(String) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.DPoP
Retrieve the thumbprint for a given algorithm, if available.


Matcher - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:Matcher URI.
memberAccessControl - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:memberAccessControl URI.
metadata() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdProvider
Fetch the OpenID metadata resource.
Metadata - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A data structure representing an Open ID Connect discovery document.
Metadata - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
Solid Resource Metadata.
Metadata() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
Metadata(URI, URI, String) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
Create a new Metadata object.
Metadata.Builder - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
A Builder class for Metadata instances.
method() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request
The HTTP method.
method(String, Request.BodyPublisher) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
Set the HTTP method for this request.
MethodNotAllowedException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP method not allowed (405) response.
MethodNotAllowedException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.MethodNotAllowedException
Create a MethodNotAllowedException exception.
MIME_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.inrupt.client.ProblemDetails
The RFC9457 default MIME type.
mode(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery.Builder
Add an access mode value.
mode(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters.Builder
Set a single access mode for the access request operation.
modes(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters.Builder
Set multiple access modes for the access request operation.


negotiate(Session, Request, Collection<Challenge>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.ReactiveAuthorization
Negotiate for an authorization credential.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery
Create a new access credential query builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters
Create a new AccessRequest.RequestParameters builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest
Create a new builder object for an authorization request.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.EndSessionRequest.Builder
Create a new builder for end session requests.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest
Create a new token request builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Request
Creates a Request builder.
newBuilder() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
Create a new Metadata builder.
newBuilder(URI) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Request
Creates a Request builder with the given URI.
newBuilder(URI) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.util.URIBuilder
Create a new URI builder from an existing URI.
noBody() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.BodyPublishers
Create an empty Request.BodyPublisher.
nonce(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest.Builder
Add a nonce value to the builder.
noneOf - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:noneOf URI.
NonRDFSource - Class in com.inrupt.client
A base class for non-RDF-bearing resources.
NonRDFSource - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.LDP
The ldp:NonRDFSource URI.
NonRDFSource(URI, String, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.NonRDFSource
Create a new non-RDF-bearing resource.
NonRDFSource(URI, String, InputStream, Headers) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.NonRDFSource
Create a new non-RDF-bearing resource.
NotAcceptableException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP not acceptable (406) response.
NotAcceptableException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.NotAcceptableException
Create a NotAcceptableException exception.
NotFoundException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP not found (404) response.
NotFoundException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.NotFoundException
Create a NotFoundException exception.
ntriplesString() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNode
ntriplesString() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperIRI


objectIterator(IRI, ValueMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A static converting plural getter helper for expected cardinality 0..*.
objects(IRI, TermMapping<T>, ValueMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A dynamic converting plural getter helper for expected cardinality 0..*.
ObjectSet<T> - Class in com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
This class implements the Set interface as a dynamic, mutable view over an RDF predicate-object list (statements that share a subject and a predicate).
ObjectSet(BlankNodeOrIRI, IRI, Graph, TermMapping<T>, ValueMapping<T>) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
Constructs a new dynamic set view over the objects of statements that share a predicate and a subject.
objectsReadOnly(IRI, ValueMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A static converting plural getter helper for expected cardinality 0..*.
objectStream(IRI, ValueMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A static converting plural getter helper for expected cardinality 0..*.
of() - Static method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.DPoP
Create a DPoP manager that supports a default keypair.
of(Challenge...) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.WwwAuthenticate
Create a new WWW-Authenticate object with a collection of challenges.
of(InputStream) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessDenial
Create an AccessDenial object from a serialized form.
of(InputStream) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrant
Create an AccessGrant object from a serialized form.
of(InputStream) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest
Create an AccessRequest object from a serialized form.
of(String) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessDenial
Create an AccessDenial object from a serialized form.
of(String) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrant
Create an AccessGrant object from a serialized form.
of(String) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest
Create an AccessRequest object from a serialized form.
of(String) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Challenge
Create a new Challenge object with a specific authentication scheme and no parameters.
of(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Challenge
Create a new Challenge object with a specific authentication scheme and parameters.
of(URI, Headers) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata
of(URI, String) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.Link
Create a new Link object with a specific URI-Reference and relation parameter.
of(URI, URI) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.Link
Create a new Link object with a specific URI-Reference and relation parameter.
of(URI, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.Link
Create a new Link object with a specific URI-Reference and parameters.
of(List<Challenge>) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.WwwAuthenticate
Create a new WWW-Authenticate object with a collection of challenges.
of(Map<String, KeyPair>) - Static method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.DPoP
Create a DPoP manager that supports some number of keypairs.
of(Map<String, List<String>>) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers
Create a headers object from an existing Java Map.
of(Map<String, Set<String>>) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.WacAllow
Create a new WAC-Allow object with a collection of Access Parameters.
ofAccessGrant(Session, AccessGrant...) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
Create a session with a collection of known access grants.
ofAccessGrant(Session, ClientCache<URI, Credential>, AccessGrant...) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
Create a session with a collection of known access grants.
ofByteArray() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Response.BodyHandlers
Creates a byte[] response handler.
ofByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.BodyPublishers
Create a byte-array-based Request.BodyPublisher.
ofClientCredentials(OpenIdProvider, String, String, String, OpenIdConfig) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
Create a session using OAuth2 client credentials.
ofClientCredentials(URI, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
Create a session using OAuth2 client credentials.
ofDataset() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaBodyHandlers
Populate a Jena Dataset with an HTTP response.
ofDataset(Dataset) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaBodyPublishers
Serialize a Jena Dataset as an HTTP request body.
ofDataset(Dataset, Lang) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaBodyPublishers
Serialize a Jena Dataset as an HTTP request body.
ofGraph() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaBodyHandlers
Populate a Jena Graph with an HTTP response.
ofGraph(Graph) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaBodyPublishers
Serialize a Jena Graph as an HTTP request body.
ofGraph(Graph, Lang) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaBodyPublishers
Serialize a Jena Graph as an HTTP request body.
ofHttpClient(HttpClient) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.httpclient.HttpClientService
Create an HTTP client service with a pre-configured HttpClient.
ofIdToken(String) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
Create a session from an ID token, using the default validation rules.
ofIdToken(String, OpenIdConfig) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
Create a session from an ID token, using a specific validation configuration.
ofInputStream() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Response.BodyHandlers
Creates an InputStream-based response handler.
ofInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.BodyPublishers
Create an InputStream-based Request.BodyPublisher.
ofKeyPairs(Map<String, KeyPair>) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.DpopService
Create a DPoP manager with a collection of keypairs.
ofModel() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaBodyHandlers
Populate a Jena Model with an HTTP response body.
ofModel() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JBodyHandlers
Populate a RDF4J Model with an HTTP response.
ofModel(Model) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaBodyPublishers
Serialize a Jena Model as an HTTP request body.
ofModel(Model, Lang) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaBodyPublishers
Serialize a Jena Model as an HTTP request body.
ofModel(Model) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JBodyPublishers
Serialize a RDF4J Model as an HTTP request body.
ofModel(Model, RDFFormat) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JBodyPublishers
Serialize a RDF4J Model as an HTTP request body.
ofOkHttpClient(OkHttpClient) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.okhttp.OkHttpService
Create an HTTP client service with a pre-configured OkHttpClient.
ofRepository() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JBodyHandlers
Populate a RDF4J Repository with an HTTP response.
ofRepository(Repository) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JBodyPublishers
Serialize a RDF4J Repository as an HTTP request body.
ofRepository(Repository, RDFFormat) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JBodyPublishers
Serialize a RDF4J Repository as an HTTP request body.
ofSolidContainer() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResourceHandlers
Transform an HTTP response into a Solid Container.
ofSolidRDFSource() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResourceHandlers
Transform an HTTP response into a Solid Resource.
ofSparqlUpdate(SPARQLUpdate) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JBodyPublishers
Serialize a RDF4J SPARQLUpdate (SPARQL-Update) as an HTTP request body.
ofString() - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Response.BodyHandlers
Creates a String-based response handler.
ofString(String) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.BodyPublishers
Create a String-based Request.BodyPublisher.
ofUpdateRequest(UpdateRequest) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaBodyPublishers
Serialize a Jena UpdateRequest (SPARQL-Update) as an HTTP request body.
oidcIssuer - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.Solid
The solid:oidcIssuer URI.
OkHttpService - Class in com.inrupt.client.okhttp
A HttpService using the okhttp3.OkHttpClient.
OkHttpService() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.okhttp.OkHttpService
Create an HTTP client service with a default OkHttpClient.
OpenIdAuthenticationProvider - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
An authentication mechanism that makes use of OpenID Tokens.
OpenIdAuthenticationProvider() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdAuthenticationProvider
OpenIdAuthenticationProvider(int) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdAuthenticationProvider
Create an OpenIdAuthenticationProvider with a defined priority.
OpenIdAuthenticationProvider.OpenIdAuthenticator - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A mechanism capable of retrieving an access token from an OpenId Provider.
OpenIdAuthenticator(int) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdAuthenticationProvider.OpenIdAuthenticator
The OpenIdAuthenticator with a defined priority.
OpenIdConfig - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A class for configuring an Open ID session.
OpenIdConfig() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
OpenIdException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.openid
A runtime exception for use with OpenID-related errors.
OpenIdException(String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdException
Create an OpenID exception.
OpenIdException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdException
Create a OpenID exception.
OpenIdException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdException
Create an OpenID exception.
OpenIdException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdException
Create an OpenID exception.
OpenIdProvider - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A class for interacting with an OpenID Provider.
OpenIdProvider(URI, DPoP) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdProvider
Create an OpenID Provider client.
OpenIdProvider(URI, DPoP, HttpService) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdProvider
Create an OpenID Provider client.
OpenIdProvider(URI, DPoP, HttpService, ClientCache<URI, Metadata>) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdProvider
Create an OpenID Provider client.
OpenIdSession - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A session implementation for use with OpenID Connect ID Tokens.
Origin - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACL
The acl:Origin URI.
overwrite(IRI, Iterable<T>, TermMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A destructive converting plural setter helper for expected cardinality 1..*.
overwrite(IRI, T, TermMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A destructive converting singular setter helper for expected cardinality 1..1.
overwriteNullable(IRI, Iterable<T>, TermMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A destructive converting plural setter helper for expected cardinality 0..*.
overwriteNullable(IRI, T, TermMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A destructive converting singular setter helper for expected cardinality 0..1.


parse(String...) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.Link
A parser to convert link header string representations into a collection of links.
parse(String...) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.WacAllow
Parse header strings into a WacAllow object.
parse(String...) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.WwwAuthenticate
Parse header strings into a list of Challenge objects.
parseLink(List<String>) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.HeaderParser
Parse multiple HTTP Link headers into a data structure.
parseWacAllow(List<String>) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.HeaderParser
Parse multiple HTTP Wac-Allow headers into a data structure.
parseWwwAuthenticate(List<String>) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.HeaderParser
Parse multiple HTTP WWW-Authenticate headers into a data structure.
PATCH(Request.BodyPublisher) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
A convenience method for building an HTTP PATCH request with a body.
path(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.util.URIBuilder
Append a path segment to a URI.
PIM - Class in com.inrupt.client.vocabulary
URI constants from the PIM vocabulary.
pipe(Consumer<OutputStream>) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.util.IOUtils
Pipe an output stream to a consumable input stream.
PKCE - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A class for generating values for Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) interactions.
Policy - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:Policy URI.
POST(Request.BodyPublisher) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
A convenience method for building an HTTP POST request with a body.
postLogoutRedirectUri(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.EndSessionRequest.Builder
Set a post-logout redirect URI for the builder.
PreconditionFailedException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP precondition failed (412) response.
PreconditionFailedException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.PreconditionFailedException
Create a PreconditionFailedException exception.
predicate - Variable in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
ProblemDetails - Interface in com.inrupt.client
A data class representing a structured problem description sent by the server on error response.
purpose(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery.Builder
Add a purpose identifier.
purpose(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters.Builder
Set a single purpose for the access request operation.
purposes(Collection<URI>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters.Builder
Set multiple purposes for the access request operation.
put(T, U) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.ClientCache
Set a cached value.
PUT(Request.BodyPublisher) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
A convenience method for building an HTTP PUT request with a body.


query(AccessCredentialQuery<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Perform an Access Credentials query and returns 0 to N matching access credentials.
query(URI, URI, URI, URI, String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Perform an Access Credentials query and returns 0 to N matching access credentials.
queryParam(String, String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.util.URIBuilder
Set a query parameter for a URI.


rdf - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
The RDF Factory instance.
RDF - Class in com.inrupt.client.vocabulary
URI constants from the RDF vocabulary.
RDF4JBodyHandlers - Class in com.inrupt.client.rdf4j
Response.BodyHandler implementations for use with RDF4J types.
RDF4JBodyPublishers - Class in com.inrupt.client.rdf4j
Request.BodyPublisher implementations for use with RDF4J types.
RDF4JService - Class in com.inrupt.client.rdf4j
An RdfService that uses the RDF4J library.
RDF4JService() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JService
RDFFactory - Class in com.inrupt.client.spi
A RDF commons handling abstraction.
RDFFactory - Class in com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
RDFS - Class in com.inrupt.client.vocabulary
URI constants from the RDFS vocabulary.
RdfService - Interface in com.inrupt.client.spi
A generic abstraction for interacting with different underlying RDF libraries.
RDFSource - Class in com.inrupt.client
A base class for RDF-based resource mapping.
RDFSource - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.LDP
The ldp:RDFSource URI.
RDFSource(URI, Dataset) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
Create a new RDF-bearing resource.
RDFSource(URI, Dataset, Headers) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
Create a new RDF-bearing resource.
RDFSource(URI, RDFSyntax, Dataset) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
Create a new RDF-bearing resource.
RDFSource(URI, RDFSyntax, Dataset, Headers) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
Create a new RDF-bearing resource.
ReactiveAuthorization - Class in com.inrupt.client.auth
A class for negotiating for a supported AuthenticationProvider based on the WWW-Authenticate headers received from a resource server.
ReactiveAuthorization() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.auth.ReactiveAuthorization
Create a new authorization handler, loading any AuthenticationProvider implementations via the ServiceLoader.
read(URI, Headers, Class<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Read a Solid Resource into a particular defined type.
read(URI, Class<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Read a Solid Resource into a particular defined type.
read(URI, Class<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient
Read a Solid Resource into a particular defined type.
Read - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACL
The acl:Read URI.
recipient(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery.Builder
Set the recipient identifier.
recipient(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters.Builder
Set a recipient for the access request operation.
redirectUri(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest.Builder
Set the redirect URI value.
refreshToken - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenResponse
registrationEndpoint - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
The registration endpoint for the given OpenID Connect provider.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
remove(Optional<BlankNodeOrIRI>, BlankNodeOrIRI, IRI, RDFTerm) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
remove(BlankNodeOrIRI, IRI, RDFTerm) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperGraph
remove(Quad) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
remove(Triple) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperGraph
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
Request - Class in com.inrupt.client
An HTTP Request.
Request.BodyPublisher - Interface in com.inrupt.client
An API for serializing an HTTP Request.
Request.BodyPublishers - Class in com.inrupt.client
Built-in Request.BodyPublisher implementations.
Request.Builder - Class in com.inrupt.client
A Request builder.
requestAccess(AccessRequest.RequestParameters) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Issue an access request.
requestAccess(URI, Set<URI>, Set<String>, Set<URI>, Instant) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Issue an access request.
reset() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
reset() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Session
Reset the session state, clearing any internal caches.
reset() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
resource - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:resource URI.
resource(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialQuery.Builder
Set the resource identifier.
resource(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters.Builder
Set a single resource for the access request operation.
Resource - Interface in com.inrupt.client
A base class for all resources.
Resource - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.LDP
The ldp:Resource URI.
resources(Collection<URI>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessRequest.RequestParameters.Builder
Set multiple resources for the access request operation.
Response<T> - Interface in com.inrupt.client
An HTTP Response.
Response.BodyHandler<T> - Interface in com.inrupt.client
An interface for mapping an HTTP response into a specific Java type.
Response.BodyHandlers - Class in com.inrupt.client
Convenience methods for creating common Response.BodyHandler objects.
Response.ResponseInfo - Interface in com.inrupt.client
Initial response info supplied to a Response.BodyHandler before the body is processed.
responseType(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest.Builder
Add a response type to the builder.
responseTypesSupported - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
A list of response types supported by the given OpenID Connect provider.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
REVOCATION_LIST_2020_STATUS - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
revocationEndpoint - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
The revocation endpoint for the given OpenID Connect provider.
revoke(AccessCredential) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Revoke an access credential.


scope(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest.Builder
Add a scope value to the builder.
scopes(String...) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenRequest.Builder
Set one or more scope values.
scopesSupported - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
A list of scopes supported by the given OpenID Connect provider.
seeAlso - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.RDFS
The rdfs:seeAlso URI.
selectThumbprint(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
selectThumbprint(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Session
Select the thumbprint from a set of candidate algorithms.
selectThumbprint(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession
send(Request, Response.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Client
Perform an HTTP request.
send(Request, Response.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.httpclient.HttpClientService
send(Request, Response.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.okhttp.OkHttpService
send(Request, Response.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Perform a low-level HTTP request.
send(Request, Response.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient
Perform a low-level HTTP request.
send(Request, Response.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.HttpService
Perform an asynchonous HTTP request.
serialize() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential
Serialize this access credential as a String.
serialize(RDFSyntax, OutputStream) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
Serialize this object with a defined RDF syntax.
ServiceProvider - Class in com.inrupt.client.spi
This is the class used to access data processors for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries libraries.
session(Session) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Scope an access grant client to a particular session.
session(Session) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Client
Create a session-scoped client.
session(Session) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Create a session-scoped client.
session(Session) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient
Create a session-scoped client.
Session - Interface in com.inrupt.client.auth
An interface for working with session objects.
SessionUtils - Class in com.inrupt.client.quarkus
A utility class for converting a Quarkus (Microprofile) JsonWebToken to session objects for use with the Java Client libraries.
SessionUtils - Class in com.inrupt.client.spring
A utility class for converting Spring constructs into session objects for use with the Java Client libraries.
setChecks(List<String>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialVerification
Initialize the verification checks that were performed.
setErrors(List<String>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialVerification
Initialize the verification errors that were discovered.
setExpectedAudience(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
Set the expected audience of an ID token.
setExpGracePeriodSecs(int) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
Set an expiration grace period for an ID token in seconds.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
Set an individual header for this request.
setProofKeyPairs(Map<String, KeyPair>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
Set any externally-defined Proofing (DPoP) keypairs.
setPublicKeyLocation(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
Set the public signing key location of an ID token.
setScopes(String...) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdConfig
Set any OAuth 2.0 scope values.
setWarnings(List<String>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredentialVerification
Initialize the verification warnings that were discovered.
singleOrNull(IRI, ValueMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A converting singular getter helper for expected cardinality 0..1 that forbids overflow.
singleOrThrow(IRI, ValueMapping<T>) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
A converting singular getter helper for expected cardinality 1..1 that forbids overflow.
size() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
size() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
size() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperGraph
Solid - Class in com.inrupt.client.vocabulary
URI constants from the Solid terms vocabulary.
SolidClient - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
A high-level client for interacting with Solid resources.
SolidClient.Builder - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
A builder class for a SolidClient.
SolidClientException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception for use with SolidClient HTTP operations.
SolidClientException(String, URI, int, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClientException
Create a SolidClient exception.
SolidContainer - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
A Solid Container Object.
SolidContainer(URI) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidContainer
Create a new SolidContainer.
SolidContainer(URI, Dataset) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidContainer
Create a new SolidContainer.
SolidContainer(URI, Dataset, Headers) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidContainer
Create a new SolidContainer.
SolidContainer(URI, Dataset, Metadata) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidContainer
SolidNonRDFSource - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
A non-RDF-bearing Solid Resource.
SolidNonRDFSource(URI, String, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidNonRDFSource
Create a non-RDF-bearing Solid Resource.
SolidNonRDFSource(URI, String, InputStream, Headers) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidNonRDFSource
Create a non-RDF-bearing Solid Resource.
SolidNonRDFSource(URI, String, InputStream, Metadata) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidNonRDFSource
SolidProblemDetails - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
SolidProblemDetails(URI, String, String, int, URI) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidProblemDetails
Build a ProblemDetails instance providing the expected fields as described in RFC9457.
SolidRDFSource - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
A Solid Resource Object.
SolidRDFSource(URI) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidRDFSource
Create a Solid resource.
SolidRDFSource(URI, Dataset) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidRDFSource
Create a Solid resource.
SolidRDFSource(URI, Dataset, Headers) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidRDFSource
Create a Solid resource.
SolidRDFSource(URI, Dataset, Metadata) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidRDFSource
SolidResource - Interface in com.inrupt.client.solid
SolidResourceException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception for use with Solid resource related errors.
SolidResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResourceException
Create a SolidResource exception.
SolidResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResourceException
Create a SolidResource exception.
SolidResourceHandlers - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
Body handlers for Solid Resources.
SolidResourceReference - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
A reference to a Solid Resource without any corresponding data.
SolidResourceReference(URI, Metadata) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidResourceReference
Create a reference to a Solid resource.
SolidSyncClient - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
A high-level synchronous client for interacting with Solid resources.
SolidSyncClient.Builder - Class in com.inrupt.client.solid
A builder class for a SolidSyncClient.
state(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.AuthorizationRequest.Builder
Add a state value to the builder.
state(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.EndSessionRequest.Builder
Set a state for the builder.
Status - Class in com.inrupt.client.accessgrant
A class for representing status information of an Access Grant.
Status(URI, String, URI, int) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.Status
Create a new Status object for an Access Grant.
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.BadRequestException
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.ConflictException
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.ForbiddenException
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.GoneException
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.InternalServerErrorException
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.MethodNotAllowedException
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.NotAcceptableException
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.NotFoundException
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.PreconditionFailedException
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.TooManyRequestsException
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.UnauthorizedException
STATUS_CODE - Static variable in exception com.inrupt.client.solid.UnsupportedMediaTypeException
statusCode() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Response.ResponseInfo
Retrieve the status code from the response.
statusCode() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Response
The status code of an HTTP response.
storage - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.PIM
The pim:storage URI.
storage(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata.Builder
Add a storage property.
Storage - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.PIM
The pim:Storage URI.
stream() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
stream() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperGraph
stream(Consumer<OutputStream>) - Static method in class com.inrupt.client.util.IOUtils
Stream a request body directly from a consuming function.
stream(Optional<BlankNodeOrIRI>, BlankNodeOrIRI, IRI, RDFTerm) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
stream(BlankNodeOrIRI, IRI, RDFTerm) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperGraph
subject - Variable in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
subjectTypesSupported - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
A list of subject types supported by the given OpenID Connect provider.
supportedSchemes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
supportedSchemes() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.auth.Session
Retrieve the authentication schemes supported by this session.
supportedSchemes() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdSession


termMapping - Variable in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
TermMapping<T> - Interface in com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
Represents a function that converts a value to a term in a graph.
TermMappings - Class in com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
Common mappings from various values to RDF terms.
timeout() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request
The timeout for this request.
timeout(Duration) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
Set a timeout value for this request.
toArray() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
toArray(U[]) - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
toDataset(RDFSyntax, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaService
toDataset(RDFSyntax, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JService
toDataset(RDFSyntax, InputStream, String) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.RdfService
Parse an input stream into a Dataset.
toGraph(RDFSyntax, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.jena.JenaService
toGraph(RDFSyntax, InputStream, String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.rdf4j.RDF4JService
toGraph(RDFSyntax, InputStream, String) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.RdfService
Parse an input stream into a Graph.
toJson(T, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.spi.JsonService
Write object data into JSON.
token(TokenRequest) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdProvider
Interact asynchronously with the OpenID Provider's token endpoint.
tokenEndpoint - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
The location of the token endpoint for the given OpenID Connect provider.
tokenEndpointAuthMethodsSupported - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
A list of authentication methods supported by the token endpoint of the given OpenID Connect provider.
TokenRequest - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A class for representing a Token request.
TokenRequest.Builder - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A builder class for TokenRequest objects.
TokenResponse - Class in com.inrupt.client.openid
A class representing successful responses from a token endpoint.
TokenResponse() - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenResponse
tokenType - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.TokenResponse
TooManyRequestsException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP too many requests (429) response.
TooManyRequestsException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.TooManyRequestsException
Create a TooManyRequestsException exception.
toString() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.auth.Challenge
toString() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Headers.Link
toString() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.openid.OpenIdAuthenticationProvider.OpenIdAuthenticator
type - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.RDF
The rdf:type URI.
type(String) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
A convenience method for setting a Content-Type header.
type(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata.Builder
Add a type property.
TYPE - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessCredential


UnauthorizedException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP unauthorized (401) response.
UnauthorizedException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.UnauthorizedException
Create an UnauthorizedException exception.
uniqueReference() - Method in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNode
UnsupportedMediaTypeException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.solid
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP unsupported media type (415) response.
UnsupportedMediaTypeException(String, URI, Headers, String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.solid.UnsupportedMediaTypeException
Create an UnsupportedMediaTypeException exception.
update(T) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Update an existing Solid Resource.
update(T) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidSyncClient
Update an existing Solid Resource.
update(T, Headers) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidClient
Update an existing Solid Resource.
uri() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request
uri() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Response.ResponseInfo
Retrieve the URI of the response.
uri() - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Response
The URI from which the response was received.
uri(URI) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.Request.Builder
Set the URI for this request.
URIBuilder - Class in com.inrupt.client.util
A utility for building URI objects.
userinfoEndpoint - Variable in class com.inrupt.client.openid.Metadata
The location of the userinfo endpoint for the given OpenID Connect provider.


validate() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.RDFSource
Validate the dataset for this object.
validate() - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.SolidContainer
ValidationResult - Class in com.inrupt.client
The result of performing validation on a Resource.
ValidationResult(boolean, String...) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.ValidationResult
Create a ValidationResult object.
ValidationResult(boolean, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.ValidationResult
Create a ValidationResult object.
valueMapping - Variable in class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.ObjectSet
ValueMapping<T> - Interface in com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
Represents a function that converts a term in a graph to another value.
ValueMappings - Class in com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
Common mappings from RDF terms to other values.
vc - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACP
The acp:vc URI.
VERIFIABLE_CREDENTIAL - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantSession
The VerifiableCredential format URI, for use with UMA.
verify(AccessCredential) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.accessgrant.AccessGrantClient
Verify an access grant or request.


wacAllow(Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>) - Method in class com.inrupt.client.solid.Metadata.Builder
Add a wacAllow property.
WebIdException - Exception in com.inrupt.client.webid
A runtime exception for use with WebId-related errors.
WebIdException(String) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.webid.WebIdException
Create a WebId exception.
WebIdException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.inrupt.client.webid.WebIdException
Create a WebId exception.
WebIdProfile - Class in com.inrupt.client.webid
A WebID Profile for use with Solid.
WebIdProfile(URI, Dataset) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.client.webid.WebIdProfile
Create a new WebID profile resource.
withInstance(HttpService) - Method in interface com.inrupt.client.Client.Builder
Add a specific HttpService instance to the builder.
WrapperBlankNode - Class in com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
A wrapper for Blank Node terms which contains methods that aid authoring wrapping classes.
WrapperBlankNode(RDFTerm, Graph) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNode
Create a new subject node with a backing Graph object.
WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI - Class in com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
A wrapper for IRI and blank node terms which contains methods that aid authoring wrapping classes.
WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI(Graph) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperBlankNodeOrIRI
Create a new subject node with a backing Graph object.
WrapperDataset - Class in com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
A wrapper class for Dataset objects.
WrapperDataset(Dataset) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperDataset
Create a new dataset wrapper object.
WrapperGraph - Class in com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
A wrapper class for Graph objects.
WrapperGraph(Graph) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperGraph
Create a new graph wrapper object.
WrapperIRI - Class in com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons
A wrapper for IRI terms which contains methods that aid authoring wrapping classes.
WrapperIRI(RDFTerm, Graph) - Constructor for class com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons.WrapperIRI
Create a new subject node with a backing Graph object.
Write - Static variable in class com.inrupt.client.vocabulary.ACL
The acl:Write URI.
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