ESS 2.1 has reached end of life.

UMA Service#

New in version 2.0.

Starting in 2.0, ESS provides a User Managed Access Grant 2.0 (UMA) service. This service allows clients to exchange a token or credential in one format for an access token that can be used when interacting with a Pod resource. For example, a client can exchange an OpenID Connect ID token along with one or more Verifiable Credential documents for a single access token.

ESS’ UMA service is responsible for handling the UMA authorization flow.

If an agent tries to access a Pod resource on ESS, ESS directs the resource request to the UMA authorization service which checks to see if the agent has the appropriate access privileges:

  • If the agent does not have the appropriate access privileges, the UMA flow allows for the user to acquire the appropriate access privilege through an iterative exchange (e.g., first with an access grant VC and then with the ID token). These access privileges are enforced with the ACP data model.

UMA Service Endpoint#

By default, the ESS UMA Service runs from the following root URL:

https://uma.<ESS Domain>

To change the root UMA service URL, see INRUPT_UMA_ISSUER.


ESS provides a metadata resource /.well-known/uma2-configuration from the root UMA service URL:

https://uma.<ESS DOMAIN>/.well-known/uma2-configuration

The endpoint returns the current deployment’s UMA service configuration.

ESS Services with UMA Flow Support#

The following ESS services support the use of UMA authorization flow:

For QPF Service’s UMA-related configuration, see:

For Pod Storage Service’s UMA-related configuration, see:

For Access Grant Service’s UMA-related configuration, see:


As part of the installation process, Inrupt provides base Kustomize overlays and associated files that require deployment-specific configuration inputs.

The following configuration options are available for the service and may be set as part of updating the inputs for your deployment. The Inrupt-provided base Kustomize overlays may be using updated configuration values that differ from the default values.



The URI of the UMA service.

See also:


The URI of the VC HTTP API verifier.


The gRPC host of the Authorization Server.


The gRPC port of the Authorization Server.


The location of a signing key in JWK format.

See also:

Kafka Configuration#


The strong cipher key to use when running auditing with encrypted messages.


Default: localhost:9092

Comma-delimited list of Kafka broker servers for use by ESS services, including this service.

Setting KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS configures ESS to use the same Kafka instance(s) for all its Kafka message channels (e.g., solidresource and auditv1out message channels). This service uses the auditv1out message channel.


Inrupt-provided overlays default to using KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS.

To use a different Kafka instance for the auditv1out channel, use specific message channel configuration.

See also ESS’ Kafka Configuration.



Default: https://vc.{ESS DOMAIN}/credentials/v1

A comma-delimited list of trusted JSON-LD context URIs allowed to be dereferenced. The list is in addition to the following contexts (i.e., you do not need to include the following contexts):










If possible, set this configuration value to that of the Access Grant Service. Mismatched values may result in the failure to parse access request/grant VCs.


Do not set to an empty list (i.e., do not unset this configuration). If empty, any context URI (with the exception of those URIs in INRUPT_JSONLD_CONTEXT_DENY_LIST) is allowed, including untrusted and malicious contexts.


A deny-list of JSON-LD context URIs. URIs listed in this configuration are prevented from being dereferenced.



Default: ES256, RS256

A comma-separated list that specifies the allowed encryption algorithms used to sign ID tokens.


A comma-separated list of trusted issuers of Solid-OIDC tokens.



Ensure that the UMA service’s INRUPT_JWT_ISSUER_ALLOW_LIST is consistent with the INRUPT_JWT_ISSUER_ALLOW_LIST value set in ESS Services with UMA Flow Support:


A comma-separated list of disallowed issuers of Solid-OIDC tokens.


Default: ES256, RS256

The permitted DPoP proof algorithms.


Default: https://vc.{ESS_DOMAIN}

A comma-delimited list of VC issuers accepted by the UMA service. The UMA service uses this value to determine whether to exchange a VC for an UMA access token.

For example, ESS’ Access Grant service (https://vc.{ESS_DOMAIN}) issues access requests and access grants as VCs. To have UMA exchange the access requests and access grants for UMA tokens, INRUPT_UMA_VC_ISSUER_ALLOW_LIST has as its default value the ESS’ Access Grant service’s base URL.


Issuers in this list are fully trusted to issue any type of VC.

  • For security reasons, do not unset the configuration property. If unset, the UMA service accepts all VC issuers; i.e., UMA service will issue an UMA access token in exchange for VCs from any issuer.

  • List only trusted issuers. Otherwise, a malicious issuer could issue a VC on behalf of any user without their knowledge or consent, and exchange it for a UMA token.

New in version 2.1.


Default: unset

A comma-delimited list of permitted domains for VC revocation list credentials.

If unset, the service accepts all domains. (Default)

New in version 2.1.


Default: unset

A comma-delimited list of permitted domains for VC verification methods and corresponding public keys.

If unset, the service accepts all domains. (Default)

New in version 2.1.


The discoverable issuer of verifiable credentials.


Default: INFO

Logging level.


Default: 300

The number of seconds that tokens will live.

Additional Information#

See also