ESS 2.1 has reached end of life.

Pod Provisioning Service#

Starting in ESS 2.0, Pod provisioning and storage is handled by a separate Pod Provisioning Service and Pod Storage Service.

Pod Provisioning/Creation#

ESS’ Pod provisioning service manages the creation of Pods, using the following URL format:

https://storage.{ESS Domain}/{Unique Root Container}/

Prior to version 2.0, ESS Pods used URLs of the form https://{ESS Domain}/{username}/.

Default Resource (Extended Profile)#

When creating a Pod, ESS creates an extended profile resource. The extended profile resource is separate from the public WebID profile. The extended profile resource, unlike the public WebID profile, is hosted in the user’s Pod, and by default, is private. Users can grant or deny access to their extended profile like any other resource in their Pod.

Initial ACP Policies#

When a Pod is created, like any other Pod resource, an Access Control Resource is also created for the Pod Root. The ACR is initialized with default ACP policies.

The initial policies give the Pod Owner read and write access to the Pod. These policies also specify a client matcher as well if the Authorization service’s configuration for the initial client allow list is set:


Both Authorization Service and Pod Storage Service have a INRUPT_AUTHORIZATION_CLIENT_ID_ALLOW_LIST setting.

Only the Authorization Service setting affects which clients are allowed. The Pod Storage Service is for Discovery purposes only.

A Pod’s Initial Policies are set when the Pod is provisioned. As such, updates to the operator-controlled allow lists do not affect existing Pods.


Starting in 2.1, ESS uses the values in its Authorization service’s INRUPT_AUTHORIZATION_DEFAULT_ACR_CLIENT_ID_ALLOW_LIST (at the time of Pod creation) to create the client matcher for the initial ACP policies. If the setting is unset, ESS uses the values in its Authorization service’s INRUPT_AUTHORIZATION_CLIENT_ID_ALLOW_LIST (at the time of Pod creation).

Using the value of the Pod owner’s WebID and an initial client allow list, ESS creates the initial policies of the form:

If allOf(AgentMatcher and ClientMatcher) evaluates to true, Then allow (Read and Write).

Specifically, ESS creates:

Policy 1 for the Pod Root:

If the agent matches the Pod owner’s WebID, and if the client application’s Client ID has a match in the initial client allow list, allow Read and Write access.

Policy 2 for the Pod Root’s Initial Member Policies:

If the agent matches the Pod owner’s WebID, and if the client application’s Client ID has a match in the initial client allow list, allow Read and Write access.

For more information on a Container’s Member Policies, see Member Policies.


After a Pod’s initial policies have been created, changes to INRUPT_AUTHORIZATION_DEFAULT_ACR_CLIENT_ID_ALLOW_LIST (or INRUPT_AUTHORIZATION_CLIENT_ID_ALLOW_LIST) do not impact the Pod’s policies.

Provisioning Endpoints#

Create a New Pod#

The ESS Pod provisioning service provides an endpoint that client applications can use to create new Pods.


Access to this endpoint requires users to be authenticated.

The following configurations, if set, may affect the behavior of this endpoint:

To create a new Pod (and the extended profile resource), a client will issue an authenticated POST request to the endpoint.




https://provision.{ESS domain}/





Upon successful creation (status 201), the endpoint returns a Location header with the location of the new Pod. In addition, the response contains a JSON payload with information about the newly created Pod:

   "profile":"https://storage.{ESS Domain}/{Root Container}/profile",
   "storage":"https://storage.{ESS Domain}/{Root Container}/"


Contains the following context for Pod information fields:



The WebID of the authenticated user for whom the Pod has been created.


The URL of an extended profile resource stored on the Pod. The URL has the form https://storage.{ESS Domain}/{Root Container}/profile.


The extended profile resource is separate from the public WebID Profile Document. As with any resource in a user’s Pod, the extended profile resource is private by default.


The URL root of the newly created Pod. The URL has the form https://storage.{ESS Domain}/{Root Container}.

This payload can be used to update the WebID Profile with the Pod information.

List Pods for a User#

The ESS Pod provisioning service provides an endpoint that client applications can use to list a user’s Pods.


Access to this endpoint requires users to be authenticated.

To list Pods for the logged in user, a client can issue an authenticated GET request to the endpoint.




https://provision.{ESS domain}/list





The endpoint returns an array of the unique Root Containers (relative to the Storage base URL), prefixed with a slash “/”; e.g.,


Using the appropriate programming language URL builder/constructor, the client can construct the Pod URL using the Storage base URL value (for example, https://storage.{ESS domain}) and the returned Root Containers.

To determine the base URL value, see INRUPT_STORAGE_HTTP_BASE_URL.


As part of the installation process, Inrupt provides base Kustomize overlays and associated files that require deployment-specific configuration inputs.

The following configuration options are available for the service and may be set as part of updating the inputs for your deployment. The Inrupt-provided base Kustomize overlays may be using updated configuration values that differ from the default values.

Provision Options#


The base URL of the storage service.



Default: 10

For Pod Provision Service Only

The maximum number of Pods owned by a specific WebID.


The INRUPT_STORAGE_MAX_PODS_PER_OWNER value must equal value must equal Authorization Service’s INRUPT_AUTHORIZATION_MAX_POD_COUNT value. When changing the INRUPT_STORAGE_MAX_PODS_PER_OWNER value, ensure you also update INRUPT_AUTHORIZATION_MAX_POD_COUNT to the same value.

Solid-OIDC Issuer Configuration Options#


Default: ES256, RS256

A comma-separated list that specifies the allowed encryption algorithms used to sign ID tokens.


A comma-separated list of trusted issuers of Solid-OIDC tokens.



If your application, such as a start app, provisions the Pod and updates the WebID with the provisioned Pod information, ensure that the WebID service’s INRUPT_JWT_ISSUER_ALLOW_LIST overlaps with the INRUPT_JWT_ISSUER_ALLOW_LIST value set for this service.


A comma-separated list of disallowed issuers of Solid-OIDC tokens.

Logging Configuration#


Default: INFO

Logging level.

Kafka Configuration#


The strong cipher key to use when running auditing with encrypted messages.


The symmetric key to use when encrypting messages (see MP_MESSAGING_OUTGOING_SOLIDRESOURCE_VALUE_SERIALIZER).


Default: localhost:9092

Comma-delimited list of Kafka broker servers for use by ESS services, including this service.

Setting KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS configures ESS to use the same Kafka instance(s) for all its Kafka message channels (e.g., solidresource and auditv1out message channels). The Pod management services use the solidresource and auditv1out message channels.


Inrupt-provided overlays default to using KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS.

To use a different Kafka instance for the solidresource and auditv1out channels, use MP_MESSAGING_OUTGOING_SOLIDRESOURCE_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS and MP_MESSAGING_OUTGOING_AUDITV1OUT_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS instead.

See also ESS’ Kafka Configuration.


Default: localhost:9092

Comma-delimited list of Kafka broker servers used for the outgoing audit v1 messages.

These messages are sent over the auditv1out message channel.


To configure ESS to use the same Kafka instances for all its Kafka message channels, use KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS option instead. Inrupt-provided overlays default to using KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS.


Default: localhost:9092

Comma-delimited list of Kafka broker servers used for the outgoing resource notification messages.

These messages are sent over the solidresource message channel.


To configure ESS to use the same Kafka instances for all its Kafka message channels, use KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS option instead. Inrupt-provided overlays default to using KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS.


Default: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer

The serializer used for the notification messages the service sends to Kafka.

Supported values are:

  • org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer

    When set to this value, notification messages sent to Kafka are unencrypted.

    Services that consume these messages (e.g., WebSocket Notification Service) will need to set their MP_MESSAGING_INCOMING_SOLIDRESOURCE_VALUE_DESERIALIZER to the corresponding deserializer value org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer.

  • com.inrupt.components.kafka.encryption.EncryptMessageSerializer

    When set to this value, notification messages sent to Kafka are encrypted. Services that consume these encrypted messages (e.g., WebSocket Notification Service) will need to set their MP_MESSAGING_INCOMING_SOLIDRESOURCE_VALUE_DESERIALIZER configuration to the corresponding deserializer value com.inrupt.components.kafka.encryption.DecryptMessageDeserializer.

AWS Options#



The name of the S3 bucket used for storage.


AWS Access key id.


AWS Secret access key.


An Amazon Web Services region that hosts the S3 Bucket.


Override S3 endpoint URL.

OpenTelemetry Options#


Default: false

The OpenTelemetry exporter can be enabled or disabled with this configuration.


The URL of the OpenTelemetry exporter.

Additional Information#

See also