ESS 2.1 has reached end of life.

Pin a Version#

In your kustomization, you can choose a specific version of a Kubernetes container by specifying its tag.

The tag may be a named tag or even the SHA256 content hash which identifies a specific build of the Kubernetes container.

For more information on tags, see

Example Customization#

  1. Go to your ESS installation directory:

    cd ${HOME}/ess
  2. Modify the kustomization.yaml (i.e., step 3 of the Applying Your Customizations procedure).

    Specifically, add the highlighted content to the kustomization.yaml file under the images key:


    If images key does not exist in kustomization.yaml, add the images key as well.

    # kustomization.yaml in your ESS installation directory
    # ...  Preceding content omitted for brevity
    # ...
      # An example of using a specific version of the `ess-openid` container
      - name:
        newTag: 05a23cb604cd257111d8cee6c9a114aa6d56a3fd
  3. Continue with the rest of the Applying Your Customizations procedure.