ESS 2.1 has reached end of life.


Increase the Log Level on an ESS Microservice#

ESS logging is configured through Quarkus.

By default, ESS microservices log at the INFO level. To change a service’s log level, you can use Kustomize overlays to update the QUARKUS_LOG_LEVEL value.

You can use the following procedure to enable DEBUG level logging for pod-provisioning:

  1. Go to your ESS installation directory:

    cd ${HOME}/ess
  2. Modify the kustomization.yaml (i.e., step 3 of the Applying Your Customizations procedure).

    Specifically, add the highlighted content to the kustomization.yaml file under the patches key:


    If patches list does not exist in kustomization.yaml, add the key patches as well.

    # kustomization.yaml in your ESS installation directory
    # ...  Preceding content omitted for brevity 
    # ...
      - target:
          kind: Deployment
          name: ess-pod-provision
        patch: |-
          apiVersion: apps/v1
          kind: Deployment
            name: ess-pod-provision
                  - env:
                    - name: QUARKUS_LOG_LEVEL
                      value: DEBUG
                    name: ess-pod-provision
  3. Continue with the rest of the Applying Your Customizations procedure.


Remember to reset the log level when you’re finished debugging.

For more information on customizing ESS, see Customize ESS.

For more information on Quarkus logging, see

Retrieve Logs#

ESS consists of multiple K8s pods (instances) running on multiple nodes (servers) in a K8s cluster. Kubernetes manages the orchestration of all these containers. You can retrieve the logs directly from Kubernetes or integrate into a centralized logging platform.

Retrieve Logs Directly from Kubernetes#

To retrieve the logs displayed to stdout, run the kubectl logs command:

kubectl logs --follow <service app deployment>

Centralized Logging to a Backend Logging System#

As your ESS deployment grows, logging to a centralized backend logging system can help manage your logs. You can set up a centralized logging system for your ESS deployment in Kubernetes. For more information, see Kubernetes: Logging.

See also: