All Classes and Interfaces

A base class for access credentials.
User-managed credential data.
Server-managed credential data.
An object to represent an access credential query.
A builder class for access credential queries.
The response from a verification operation.
An Access Denial abstraction, for use when interacting with Solid resources.
An Access Grant abstraction, for use when interacting with Solid resources.
A client for interacting with and managing Access Grant Resources.
A runtime exception for use with Access Grants.
A session implementation that makes use of Access Grants.
Utility methods for use with the Access Grant module.
An Access Request abstraction, for use when interacting with Solid resources.
A collection of parameters used for creating access requests.
A class for building access request parameters.
URI constants from the ACL vocabulary.
URI constants from the ACP vocabulary.
An authentication mechanism that knows how to authenticate over network connections.
An interface for handling authentication challenges.
A class representing an authorization request at an OpenID provider.
A class for building AuthorizationRequest objects.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP bad request (400) response.
A cache builder abstraction for use with different cache implementations.
Part of the HTTP Challenge and Response authentication framework, this class represents a challenge object as represented in a WWW-Authenticate Response Header.
An API for an HTTP client.
An API for an HTTP client builder.
A generic caching abstraction for use in the Inrupt Client Libraries.
An API for loading the HTTP client.
An abstraction that loads the available Client from, the classpath.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP conflict (409) response..
A credential that can be used with Solid resource servers.
An abstraction for working with OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer (DPoP).
A DPoP management abstraction.
A class for initiating a session termination flow with an OpenID Provider.
A builder class for EndSessionRequest objects.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP forbidden (403) response.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP gone (410) response.
A parser interface for handling HTTP header parsers.
A read-only view of a collection of HTTP headers.
A class for representing an HTTP Link header.
a class for parsing WAC-allow headers.
Part of the HTTP Challenge and Response authentication framework, this class represents a challenge object as represented in a WWW-Authenticate Response Header.
A HttpService using the
An HTTP handling abstraction.
A generic Inrupt runtime exception for use as a superclass.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP internal server error (500) response.
IOUtility methods for use with the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
Response.BodyHandler implementations for use with Jena types.
Request.BodyPublisher implementations for use with Jena types.
An RdfService that uses the Jena library.
A JSON handling abstraction.
URI constants from the LDP vocabulary.
A data structure representing an Open ID Connect discovery document.
Solid Resource Metadata.
A Builder class for Metadata instances.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP method not allowed (405) response.
A base class for non-RDF-bearing resources.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP not acceptable (406) response.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP not found (404) response.
This class implements the Set interface as a dynamic, mutable view over an RDF predicate-object list (statements that share a subject and a predicate).
A HttpService using the okhttp3.OkHttpClient.
An authentication mechanism that makes use of OpenID Tokens.
A class for configuring an Open ID session.
A runtime exception for use with OpenID-related errors.
A class for interacting with an OpenID Provider.
A session implementation for use with OpenID Connect ID Tokens.
URI constants from the PIM vocabulary.
A class for generating values for Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) interactions.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP precondition failed (412) response.
URI constants from the RDF vocabulary.
Response.BodyHandler implementations for use with RDF4J types.
Request.BodyPublisher implementations for use with RDF4J types.
An RdfService that uses the RDF4J library.
A RDF commons handling abstraction.
URI constants from the RDFS vocabulary.
A generic abstraction for interacting with different underlying RDF libraries.
A base class for RDF-based resource mapping.
A class for negotiating for a supported AuthenticationProvider based on the WWW-Authenticate headers received from a resource server.
An HTTP Request.
An API for serializing an HTTP Request.
Built-in Request.BodyPublisher implementations.
A Request builder.
A base class for all resources.
An HTTP Response.
An interface for mapping an HTTP response into a specific Java type.
Convenience methods for creating common Response.BodyHandler objects.
Initial response info supplied to a Response.BodyHandler before the body is processed.
This is the class used to access data processors for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries libraries.
An interface for working with session objects.
A utility class for converting Spring constructs into session objects for use with the Java Client libraries.
URI constants from the Solid terms vocabulary.
A high-level client for interacting with Solid resources.
A builder class for a SolidClient.
A runtime exception for use with SolidClient HTTP operations.
A Solid Container Object.
A non-RDF-bearing Solid Resource.
A Solid Resource Object.
A runtime exception for use with Solid resource related errors.
Body handlers for Solid Resources.
A reference to a Solid Resource without any corresponding data.
A high-level synchronous client for interacting with Solid resources.
A builder class for a SolidSyncClient.
A class for representing status information of an Access Grant.
Represents a function that converts a value to a term in a graph.
Common mappings from various values to RDF terms.
A class for representing a Token request.
A builder class for TokenRequest objects.
A class representing successful responses from a token endpoint.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP too many requests (429) response.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP unauthorized (401) response.
A runtime exception that represents an HTTP unsupported media type (415) response.
A utility for building URI objects.
The result of performing validation on a Resource.
Represents a function that converts a term in a graph to another value.
Common mappings from RDF terms to other values.
A runtime exception for use with WebId-related errors.
A WebID Profile for use with Solid.
A wrapper for Blank Node terms which contains methods that aid authoring wrapping classes.
A wrapper for IRI and blank node terms which contains methods that aid authoring wrapping classes.
A wrapper class for Dataset objects.
A wrapper class for Graph objects.
A wrapper for IRI terms which contains methods that aid authoring wrapping classes.