Inrupt Java Client Library Documentation 1.1 API

Inrupt provides the following Java client libraries to help developers create Solid applications. These libraries provide highly flexible, simple components that can be used in any Java application for Solid.

These libraries aim to make two parts of Solid easier to work with: Authorization and Data Modeling.

Authorization is complicated, especially in a distributed ecosystem, such as Solid. These libraries provide flexibility while at the same time hiding much of the complexity of authorization.

Beyond authorization, working with RDF is also complicated. A graph-based data model may not be as familiar as the tree-based structures of JSON and XML. Furthermore, the tooling for RDF tends also to be less familiar. These libraries aim to give RDF experts all the features they need, while also being easy to use for newcomers to RDF.

Application interfaces for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
Classes for working with Access Grants.
Authentication and Authorization classes for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
HttpClient bindings for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
Jena RDF support for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
OkHttp bindings for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
OpenID support for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
RDF4J RDF support for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
Support for Solid specific concepts for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
Service interfaces for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
Utility classes for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
RDF Vocabulary definitions for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
WebID Profile support for the Inrupt Java Client Libraries.
RDF Wrapping utilities for the Apache Commons RDF API.