Package com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons

package com.inrupt.rdf.wrapping.commons

RDF Wrapping utilities for the Apache Commons RDF API.

  • Class
    This class implements the Set interface as a dynamic, mutable view over an RDF predicate-object list (statements that share a subject and a predicate).
    Represents a function that converts a value to a term in a graph.
    Common mappings from various values to RDF terms.
    Represents a function that converts a term in a graph to another value.
    Common mappings from RDF terms to other values.
    A wrapper for Blank Node terms which contains methods that aid authoring wrapping classes.
    A wrapper for IRI and blank node terms which contains methods that aid authoring wrapping classes.
    A wrapper class for Dataset objects.
    A wrapper class for Graph objects.
    A wrapper for IRI terms which contains methods that aid authoring wrapping classes.